Not Just More Years...
Better Years.

What Rejuvant Looks Like
Outside the Lab...

Staying Nimble

Quick Recovery

Graceful Aging

Verve and Vigor

Big Plans

Great Moods

More Independence

Keeping Up

Getting More Done
What Rejuvant Looks Like Outside the Lab...

Staying Nimble

Quick Recovery

Graceful Aging

Verve and Vigor

Big Plans

Great Moods

More Independence

Keeping Up

Getting More Done
Think It's Too Good to Be True?
Read These Success Stories From Verified Users...

from Hong Kong

Verified User

More Energetic Every Day

"As a result of a herniated disk in my neck I became interested in non-surgical treatments to alleviate my pain. I recently discovered Rejuvant, and I’ve been taking it for several months. Since then, I’ve felt more energetic every day, without experiencing any side effects. I’ve been so satisfied with the results, I just ordered a supply for my wife!"

Helen M
age 61

Verified User

Workouts Are Easier

“I’ve got weak lung function and they only function at 70%. After 2 months on Rejuvant I noticed my workouts getting easier. In spin class everyone noticed how much stronger I was. I ride with friends who are much faster riders. Now I can keep up. It feels like my body is getting more oxygen, and I’m more energetic. Afterwards, I feel like I recover faster.

Debra W
from Texas

Verified User

More Energy Than Coffee

"Within the first week I started noticing a difference in my energy. I’m exercising more and I’m eating less without feeling like I’m starving. I take Rejuvant at 9am and it gives me more energy than a cup of coffee. I have taken vitamins for more than 30 years and never have I seen an improvement as big as Rejuvant. This is making a difference."
How 2 Tablets Make
Such a Huge Difference

Just two tablets of Rejuvant® every morning is all it takes to build strength, increase endurance, feel more energetic, look younger, and live a healthier life.
But how?
The answer is Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG) — a substance naturally made by our bodies that helps keep us young.
Our bodies produce high levels of AKG until age 40, but then production drops dramatically.
Rejuvant's LifeAKGTM is a controlled release, highly pure, patent-pending version of Ca-AKG that attacks the 5 root causes of aging...

Reduces Inflamm-aging
All cells eventually grow old and stop functioning — but they don't always die right away. These "zombie" cells dump inflammatory chemicals into surrounding cells, which can trigger age-related illness. Rejuvant has been shown to reduce this age-related inflammation by blocking the excretion of inflammatory chemicals created by "zombie" cells.

Cleans Up "Dirty" DNA
Your DNA is under constant attack by free radicals and toxic chemicals. In response, your body attempts to repair your DNA, but the efficiency of that vital process declines as we age. Rejuvant encourages healthy aging by supplying more of the raw materials your body needs to "clean up" your DNA and restore it to a more youthful state.

Increases Energy Production
Every cell in your body contains "power plants" called mitochondria where energy is made. AKG is a key player in this energy production process, but since you make less of it as you age, your cellular energy production also slows down as you age. Rejuvant supercharges energy production in the cells so that you can move (and even think) faster than you have in years.

Activates Cell Repair
When you go a while without eating, it puts the body into a cell repair mode which reconditions worn out cells and breaks down "zombie" cells. The AKG in Rejuvant extends life by activating this cell repair mode — without fasting — and your body invests more time in restoring your skin, joints, nerves, brain, and other vital organs so that they function at a much higher level.

Neutralizes Toxin Buildup
As we get older we're warned to eat more protein to ward off muscle wasting, but eating protein also creates ammonia as a byproduct. Over time, toxic ammonia build up can cause permanent loss of brain power, muscle strength, and liver and kidney function. Rejuvant helps reduce this excess ammonia so that these organs become more efficient and work better.
In our search for the ultimate life-enhancing substance we discovered natural AKG in the human body, but our tests quickly revealed that oral ingestion of extra AKG yielded no longevity benefits. That's because man-made AKG isn't pure enough, and can't survive the harsh conditions of human digestion. So we spent 5 years figuring out how to solve all of those problems with our proprietary LifeAKG™ LifeTabs which are...

Sustained Release

AKG is metabolized in under 30 minutes — but LifeAKG™ mimics the body's natural release of AKG throughout the day.
Easy To Digest

AKG is highly acidic and known to cause GI distress — but LifeAKG™ includes calcium to buffer against acidity.
4x More Effective

LifeAKG™ has been proven to be four times more effective to reduce biological age than diet, exercise and lifestyle changes.
Ultra Pure

The process to make CaAKG yields many impurities — but our patent-pending LifeAKG™ method creates an ultra pure product that is 98% pure.
Hospital Quality

Each batch of LifeAKG™ is screened in a 3rd party lab for heavy metals, pesticides, and microbes.
Gender Specific

Our testing revealed gender-specific responses to ingredient synergies, so we created specialized formulas for men and women.

Bottom Line: No other AKG is as effective as LifeAKG.

Even MORE Success Stories From Rejuvant Users...

"I feel younger and more energetic..."
- Anthony

"I'm a happier person..."
- Cathy

"I have more energy and
it stays through the day..."
- Lisa
In Case You Can't Tell...
Most supplement companies sell "kitchen sink" formulations — they mix clinically irrelevant amounts of several trendy ingredients to sell more products. These fly by night companies don't employ scientists and they certainly don't perform research.
Everything we do at Ponce De Leon Health is driven by our desire to increase human healthspan with bio-tech innovation. Our Rejuvant LifeTabsTM are based on thousands of clinical studies on AKG, and millions of dollars and several years-worth of our own scientific research.

The Buck Institute for Research on Aging where our initial research was developed.

Meet Our
Chief Scientific AdvisorDr. Brian Kennedy is a world renowned thought leader in the anti-aging field. He earned his Ph.D. at MIT and has since published over 80 studies in prestigious scientific journals. Dr. Kennedy is a regular guest on podcasts and presents at conferences — including TedX Maui.

"We're not looking to extend the lives of billionaires, but to extend the lives of billions."
Dr. Brian Kennedy
Chief Scientific Advisor
In Case You Can't Tell...
Most supplement companies sell "kitchen sink" formulations — they mix clinically irrelevant amounts of several trendy ingredients together to sell more products. These fly by night companies don't employ scientists and they certainly don't perform research.

The Buck Institute for Research on Aging where our initial research was developed.
Everything we do at Ponce De Leon Health is driven by our desire to increase human healthspan with bio-tech innovation. Our Rejuvant LifeTabsTM are based on thousands of clinical studies on AKG, as well as millions of dollars and several years-worth of our own scientific research.

Meet Our
Chief Scientific AdvisorDr. Brian Kennedy is a world renowned thought leader in the anti-aging field. He earned his Ph.D. at MIT and has since published over 80 studies in prestigious scientific journals. Dr. Kennedy is a regular guest on podcasts and presents at conferences — including TedX Maui.

Recent Scientific Research Proves That Rejuvant:
Lowers Biological Age Up to 8 Years
in Just 7 Months
Research published in the December 2021 issue of the scientific journal ‘Aging’ showed that Rejuvant reduced biological age by an average of 8 years in just 7 months.
This exceptional age reversal was measured using a TruAge diagnostic aging clock — which tests the methylation levels on certain sites of your epigenome.

Chronological Age
- The age listed on your drivers license
- Cannot be influenced by your actions
Little relevance on how well you feel or function

Biological Age
How old you look, act, and feel
Can be reversed by taking Rejuvant
The most important component of aging